How do I become a student?

We recommend that prospective students observe a class before deciding if they would like to participate. You are welcome to attend two (2) complimentary classes before becoming a member. Please wear athletic clothing and no jewelry. A wooden sword will be provided.

What are the costs?

Current monthly tuition is $50. There are no contracts to sign and you may cancel your membership at any time. The first month’s tuition is due at the time of enrollment.

All students must join the International Shinkendo Federation (ISF) at the time of enrollment. Annual ISF membership dues are $50. Thereafter, dues are collected from all members in January of each year.

A standard white uniform (dogi) similar to the type used in Judo and Aikido is available for approx. $65.

A wooden sword (bokuto) made from Japanese white oak is available for approx. $80.

Additional equipment

The standard dogi and bokuto will be all that is necessary for the first several months of training. As training progresses, students will add uniform components such as pleated pants (hakama) and a sword belt (iaiobi), as well as an imitation sword (iaito), specialized bokuto (waxwood), and eventually a real sword (shinken).

What is the minimum age for enrollment?

We accept students as young as 14 years of age provided they are mature enough to safely train in swordsmanship. Swords, even those made from wood, are capable of causing injury if mishandled. The safety of our students is always our highest priority.

Do i need to have previous experience in the martial arts to study shinkendo?

No. While many practitioners come to Shinkendo with previous martial arts experience, we accept students with no prior training who want to learn swordsmanship from the ground up.